Wednesday, July 9, 2014

GoBang Linux

Screenshot.png - (GoBang Linux Comunity) - (Original home page to SourceForge) - (SourceForge GoApps site) - (My page on SourceForge) - (GoBang Project blog) - (The story of my son) - (GoBang on Launchpad) - (GoBang on DeviantArt) - (GoBang on Jamendo )
The GoBang operating system is published as a (32 bit) installable LiveCD. There are four versions, two versions of the kernel and two in different languages, in addition there are other download iso images GoBang Linux. OS is based on Ubuntu 12.04 repositories. The default environment (GUI) is Openbox 3.5, there are also emulators terminals bases (xgo session).
The idea to create GoBang OS was born out of the need for rapid, lightweight operating system that aims to provide an alternative look at the OS.
The system allows a large amount of software installations, and complete control over the appearance. The GoBang Project aims nature of information and education.
GoBang 1.04.2 (32 bit)
Code Name: "Eliza"
Kernels: 3.2./3.13
Display manager: MDM
Sesions: Openbox, Xgo
File manager: Thunar 1.6.2, MC, Ranger
Web browser: Luakit, Lynx, Netrik, Links2, Xlinks2, Elinks
Terminals: Terminator, Xterm, Gnome terminal
Packages manager: Aptitude
GoApps: Scripts for the installation of various software
Last Upgrade: 18.03.2014
Minimum Hardware:
Pentium 4, 1GHz Console-Desktop
RAM: 64 - 256
Hard Drive: 2,5 - 4 GB
- Username "gobang"
- Password "leave blank and press Enter"
Versions of language
Pl ISO - (Default language is Polish)
En ISO - (Default language is English)
If you are willing to join the project, share with me your ideas, questions or if you need help, please contact me. gobang";"
History of GoBang Project
The idea for GoBang came about in November 2012. At the beginning system ISO was published only in one language (Polish) and pointing to a small group of students, studying at the "Administration of the Operating Systems ". As the education program do not provide deeper discussions about the alternative system solutions from the family of operating systems Linux and Unix and most of the issues are based on the Microsoft products, I decided to take care of this problem and start promoting solutions based on codes such as open end free source. The idea is to present a different point of view on the operating systems subject.
"GoBang Project" runs on mixed licenses. The aim is to encourage and help customers to adopt alternative solutions. The GoBang OS includes solutions borrowed from various distributions such as Linux, Unix and also some with the closed source code. The code I have written is a part of GoBang OS and is always licensed by GPLv3.
The project aims to promote a wide culture of Open Source communities dealing with the code, image, sound, art , etc. which stands behind the Open and Free idea.
At the present moment "GoBang Project" is run by me, all costs associated with it I cover myself. As a person not employed I spend my free time to develop and find low-cost solutions to reach customers. GoBang OS does not have commercial target it will always be free.
If you would like to support the development by providing grants, I invite you to read the story of my son's unfortunate accident. Grants can be addressed for his recovery foundation as a 1% of your income tax refund. Founds collected there will be forwarded for my son's further rehabilitation.
Thank you to all those who contribute to the development and promotion of GoBang.
Copyright (C) by Wojciech Witkowski

GoBang system info site


All information about the project moved to the site:

If you want to help in the development of the project,  join the community !!!

Thank you for your help !!!

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Ultimate Edition 4.2

Ultimate Edition 4.2


Ultimate Edition 4.2?

    What is Ultimate Edition 4.2?  Ultimate Edition 4.2 was built from the ground up debootstrapped from the Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Thar tree using Tmosb (TheeMahn’s Operating System Builder) which is also included in this release.  This release is a Long Term Supported (LTS) release, supported until the year 2019.  This release is most certainly worthy of the Ultimate Edition title.  What makes this Operating System different then any other Operating System on the entire planet?  The entire Mate 1.8 repository was first Repostormed another world changing application I am developing.  I have told the world it was coming.  I have included many, many tools I am constructing that reside under the hood of virtually all Ultimate Edition releases, most newer and upgraded. This Operating System while it did have issues during construction have been crushed and what remains is a flawless operating environment.
    When time permits, I will come back and update this page with 32 bit release as well as non lite based O/S (Gnome 3+).  I can assure you with the highest regards; try it you will not be disappointed.  Blood, sweat and many CPU cycles were involved in the release of this Operating System.  Even when I was sleeping it was chewing CPU cycles to ensure the end result of perfection.  While the download is huge and may put you in frame of mind is not Lite. The first thing I heard out of one of my beta testers, was how snappy it was.  Many applications are included, however do not use resources until you use them.  If you would like to learn how I build Ultimate Edition Linux, or you would like to learn how to build your own Linux incarnation. I wrote a huge article you can read here.

Screenshots & Screencast

Ultimate Edition 4.2 Apps Ultimate Edition 4.2 Ultimate Edition 4.2
Ultimate Edition 4.2 Apps Ultimate Edition 4.2 Ultimate Edition 4.2
Ultimate Edition 4.2 Apps Ultimate Edition 4.2 Ultimate Edition 4.2


Release Name: Ultimate Edition 4.2 Lite
Architecture: x64 (64 bit)
Release Base: debootstrapped (Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Thar tree)
Environment(s): Mate 1.8.0
Filesize: 2.9 GB (3,163,156,480 bytes)
MD5SUM: feb6d627f7a59635058a41c63c5024e6

Get Ultimate Edition at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads

Get Ultimate Edition Linux at Fast, secure cloud storage.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The storm is over…

by on Jul.01, 2014, under Linux, Programming, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
My employer has given me off until July 7th, expect some large changes coming soon to a server near you. The past week or so I have been doing some heavy coding in Repostorm. I’m done programming for sometime to come. Repostorm has managed to squash a ton of errors and warnings in the Mate Desktop Environment(DE). I will now begin construction of the final release of Ultimate Edition 4.2 Lite based on the Repostormed debs. Just to give you some perspective on what difference this will make in final production. In any Operating System that uses Mate 1.8 the following is the session result of running repostorm –analyze on a virgin Mate 1.8 DE entire Repository:
Repostorm 1.8.4 is generating a full report.
Error(s): 248 | Warning(s): 4546 | Info: 0
Writing permanent logs.
Execution Time: 11m43s
After Repostorm has repaired issues in Mate DE:
Repostorm 1.8.4 is generating a full report.
Error(s): 4 | Warning(s): 31 | Info: 0
Writing permanent logs.
Execution Time: 27s
I’m providing the log files for your viewing pleasure:
Before and After the storm has settled.
I have had tons of requests to do the same to XFCE, Cinnamon, etc. Let’s face it time is never on my side, best I can say is we will see.
Storming through Mate DE
Storming through Mate DE

Ultimate:  Hello

Ultimate:  Hello :  Hello