More Steam in The Engine
A New Copy Application
by TheeMahn on Jun.16, 2014, under Cloud Storage, Hosting, Linux, Programming, Ubuntu, Ultimate Edition
I have released Baracuda Networks Copy application in the past, however I thought I would drop on here and release a new Debianized version to the public Version 1.44.0357.
This will be my last post on Baracuda Networks Copy application. I am
going to provide a link on the sidebar of this website so you can always
access the latest version I have Debianized on the Ultimate Edition Copy Account.
There is over 300 Gigabytes worth of information you can download from
there. Operating Systems, applications, themes, eyecandy, the list
goes on.
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Here it comes…
When I release a final 4.2, I want you to
entirely rethink the entire situation. Furthermore I want you to think
about all the issues and problems that just do not exist and who is
responsible for the gratification you receive..
Chat Conversation End
Many of you do not use Ultimate Edition Linux, the #4 used O/S on the planet at one time. I want to share some tidbits of information with you. Canonical, better known as Ubuntu has probably 1000 people that work for them, many are programmers. I am one Mahn. I have not implemented software I have been writing for greater then 3 years that will replace 1000 programmers jobs. It does not matter Debian, Mint etc. A smashing is coming, more correctly written a perfect O/S is coming.
I grant you a bold statement, when you remove the element of human error what remains is perfect code. I have spent my days fixing software autonomously, write a new function to fix this broad-based error. Watch 1000′s of errors crumble in one function it gives me reason to advance the software, will I ever make it to 0 errors? Never do I want to hear the term Terminator. I took a day off programming, understand it is coming.
Copied and pasted from facebook I no longer possess the time. Understand I have like 10 days coming off for July 4th mass changes are coming.
Chat Conversation End
Many of you do not use Ultimate Edition Linux, the #4 used O/S on the planet at one time. I want to share some tidbits of information with you. Canonical, better known as Ubuntu has probably 1000 people that work for them, many are programmers. I am one Mahn. I have not implemented software I have been writing for greater then 3 years that will replace 1000 programmers jobs. It does not matter Debian, Mint etc. A smashing is coming, more correctly written a perfect O/S is coming.
I grant you a bold statement, when you remove the element of human error what remains is perfect code. I have spent my days fixing software autonomously, write a new function to fix this broad-based error. Watch 1000′s of errors crumble in one function it gives me reason to advance the software, will I ever make it to 0 errors? Never do I want to hear the term Terminator. I took a day off programming, understand it is coming.
Copied and pasted from facebook I no longer possess the time. Understand I have like 10 days coming off for July 4th mass changes are coming.
I have had many people on the forum wondering how to use Thumbos, First the “change-log”:
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒Most importantly wrote a manual for it
# title :thumbos
# description :Loads disk images to thumbdrive from the CLI.
# author :theemahn # date :04/27/2014
# version :1.0.8
# usage :thumbos –help
# manual :man thumbos
# notes :See change-log below for further information.
* Initial Internal Beta release
* Bug fixes
* Erase feature added.
* Test feature added.
* Display ISO and Image info
* Minor bugfix see comment in code.
* Supress errors if end user does not possess a thumbdrive, exit graciously.
* Edited erase routine, NTFS set as default.
* Added partition detection function in case user has multiple partitions on the thumbdrive.
* Added initial ©Microsft Windows support & detection routine.
* Adjustment to test function when booting ISO’s
* Added cpu core(s) & memory size detection set VM based on detected hardware.
* Added ntfsprogs to dependancy list, direct check on mkfs.ntfs Broken symlink: The symlink to mkfs.ntfs is wrong. A bug report has been filed.
* Added Eyecandy routines borrowed code from repostorm
* Added notifications and sound, ThumbOS now talks to you.
* Bug Fix: Columize function info output in wrong column.
* Add more comments to code, we are here to learn right?
* Fixed scan function if 2 unknowns are found no output.
* Appended detected size MB / GB etc. Calculating disk sizes smartly up to 999 Yottabytes.
* Added fix for 0 thumbdrives detected. Report and exit.
* Added code for X11 detection in test function.
* Wrote Thumbos initial manpages, postscript and pdf manuals.
Release: Ultimate Edition Thumbos
Version: 1.0.8
Filesize: 29KB (30,080 bytes)
Forum Home: Thumbos Topic
Download: ultimate-edition-thumbos_1.0.8_all.deb
Ultimate Edition 4.0
Once again I am not going to make a big
deal out of this release. It is very nice and works very well; however
it is based on the Ubuntu 13.10 “Saucy Salamander” branch and has very
limited support time left. Our efforts once Ultimate Edition 4.1 is
released is undivided concentration on Ultimate Edition 4.2 and Ultimate
Edition 4.3 a Long Term Supported (LTS) release. Previously released
as a Beta. Repostorm is honing Mate 1.8
to perfection with each line of code I write. The base of what will be
in Ultimate Edition 4.2 Lite. Alot of catchup is going on in the
persuit to perfection as I am hoping to present you in the release of
Ultimate Edition 4.2, please stay tuned.
Architecture: x64 (64 bit)
Release Base: Debootstrapped (13.10 Saucy Salamander tree)
Environment(s): Mate 1.6.0
Filesize: 2.0 GB (2,185,959,424 bytes)
MD5SUM: 1c113155e761c833712f46d203501326
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 4.0
Architecture: x64 (64 bit)
Release Base: Debootstrapped (13.10 Saucy Salamander tree)
Environment(s): Mate (default), Gnome 3.x
Filesize: 3.2 GB (3,293,022,208 bytes)
MD5SUM: f37883a9e66926058de9de782c0ab2cc
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 4.0
Architecture: x86 (32 bit)
Release Base: Debootstrapped (13.10 Saucy Salamander tree)
Environment(s): Mate (default), Gnome 3.x
Filesize: 3.1 GB (3,441,631,232 bytes)
MD5SUM: 8a3938140303d2618a9fe66f6f5b3ab4
Enjoy, TheeMahn
[rhyme]$ md5sum ultimate-edition-4.0-x*
1c113155e761c833712f46d203501326 ultimate-edition-4.0-x64-lite.iso
f37883a9e66926058de9de782c0ab2cc ultimate-edition-4.0-x64.iso
8a3938140303d2618a9fe66f6f5b3ab4 ultimate-edition-4.0-x86.iso
tonie@Tigger:/media/3TB/Copy/Ultimate Edition/Public/Operating Systems$ ls -la ultimate-edition-4.0-x*
-rw——- 1 tonie tonie 3441631232 Apr 16 22:28 ultimate-edition-4.0-x64.iso
-rw-r–r– 1 tonie tonie 2185959424 Apr 19 15:44 ultimate-edition-4.0-x64-lite.iso
-rwx—— 1 tonie tonie 3293022208 Oct 31 21:21 ultimate-edition-4.0-x86.iso
tonie@Tigger:/media/3TB/Copy/Ultimate Edition/Public/Operating Systems$
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 4.0 LiteArchitecture: x64 (64 bit)
Release Base: Debootstrapped (13.10 Saucy Salamander tree)
Environment(s): Mate 1.6.0
Filesize: 2.0 GB (2,185,959,424 bytes)
MD5SUM: 1c113155e761c833712f46d203501326
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 4.0
Architecture: x64 (64 bit)
Release Base: Debootstrapped (13.10 Saucy Salamander tree)
Environment(s): Mate (default), Gnome 3.x
Filesize: 3.2 GB (3,293,022,208 bytes)
MD5SUM: f37883a9e66926058de9de782c0ab2cc
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 4.0
Architecture: x86 (32 bit)
Release Base: Debootstrapped (13.10 Saucy Salamander tree)
Environment(s): Mate (default), Gnome 3.x
Filesize: 3.1 GB (3,441,631,232 bytes)
MD5SUM: 8a3938140303d2618a9fe66f6f5b3ab4
Enjoy, TheeMahn
Ultimate Edition 3.9
Time is has never been on my side, this is
no exception. I am dumping Ultimate Edition 3.9 to the public. I am
not going to make a big deal about it. I have had nothing, but pretty
much good feedback on it. I am not even going to spend the time
updating / upgrading it. I will be doing some catch up over the next
few weeks when time is availible. Let’s get UE 3.9 behind us, so I can
focus on the future.
Architecture: x64 (64 bit)
Release Base: Ultimate Edition 3.8 (13.04 Raring Ringtail tree)
Environment(s): KDE (default), Mate 1.6.0
Filesize: 2.9 GB (2,877,493,248 bytes)
MD5SUM: 21adb908287cd2f7bc80b15262fb8da1
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 3.9
Architecture: x86 (32 bit)
Release Base: Ultimate Edition 3.8 (13.04 Raring Ringtail tree)
Environment(s): KDE (default), Mate 1.6.0
Filesize: 3.0 GB (2966786048 bytes)
MD5SUM: d7e6965842f02732c97e0211288c56f0
Enjoy, TheeMahn
sending incremental file list
2877493248 100% 12.53MB/s 0:03:38 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1)
sent 2877844627 bytes received 31 bytes 12324816.52 bytes/sec
total size is 2877493248 speedup is 1.00
[rhyme]$ md5sum ultimate-edition-3.9-x*
21adb908287cd2f7bc80b15262fb8da1 ultimate-edition-3.9-x64.iso
a3b9895970d5235a914c590a1181934e ultimate-edition-3.9-x86.iso
theemahn@JackHammer:/media/4TBRaid0/Copy/Ultimate Edition/Public/Operating Systems$ ls -la ultimate-edition-3.9-x*
-rw-r–r– 1 theemahn theemahn 2877493248 Jan 30 22:54 ultimate-edition-3.9-x64.iso
-rw-r–r– 1 theemahn theemahn 2966786048 Jan 31 09:30 ultimate-edition-3.9-x86.iso
theemahn@JackHammer:/media/4TBRaid0/Copy/Ultimate Edition/Public/Operating Systems$
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 3.9Architecture: x64 (64 bit)
Release Base: Ultimate Edition 3.8 (13.04 Raring Ringtail tree)
Environment(s): KDE (default), Mate 1.6.0
Filesize: 2.9 GB (2,877,493,248 bytes)
MD5SUM: 21adb908287cd2f7bc80b15262fb8da1
Release Name: Ultimate Edition 3.9
Architecture: x86 (32 bit)
Release Base: Ultimate Edition 3.8 (13.04 Raring Ringtail tree)
Environment(s): KDE (default), Mate 1.6.0
Filesize: 3.0 GB (2966786048 bytes)
MD5SUM: d7e6965842f02732c97e0211288c56f0
Enjoy, TheeMahn
Up under new service
I have been moving servers to new hosting capable of 250 concurrent transfers,
is the first server in place. The ping times are twice as fast and the
server thoughput is more then double then under previous hosting.
Thanks to donors this is now possible. Your days of waiting for a file
to finish downloading, should be now over. If this becomes inefficient
in the future I will purchase another server. We have to keep the donors
happy right?
The ISO’s are still being transfered from the old server, please be patient in this transition. It is slow process; not because of the new server, but the old server is under a constant load.
DNS propigation for all the servers should settle within the next 48 hours, sorry for the delays. The end results is what will make it all worth while.
I would also like to take the time to apologize for Ultimate Edition 4.2 being corrupted. The file has now been resynced and functions as it should, the feedback has thusly informed me.
Donors can get it from the new server:
Depending on you ISP it may take up to 48 hours for the new servers DNS to resolve, once again sorry for the delay.
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The ISO’s are still being transfered from the old server, please be patient in this transition. It is slow process; not because of the new server, but the old server is under a constant load.
DNS propigation for all the servers should settle within the next 48 hours, sorry for the delays. The end results is what will make it all worth while.
I would also like to take the time to apologize for Ultimate Edition 4.2 being corrupted. The file has now been resynced and functions as it should, the feedback has thusly informed me.
tonie@Tigger:/media/3TB/Copy/WorkInProgress$ md5sum ultimate-edition-4.2-x64-Mar-27-2014-2129.isoIf you wish to re-download it:
c6f9b739905e4134f8eb41307a2dfdee ultimate-edition-4.2-x64-Mar-27-2014-2129.iso
tonie@Tigger:/media/3TB/Copy/WorkInProgress$ ls -la ultimate-edition-4.2-x64-Mar-27-2014-2129.iso
-rwx—— 1 tonie tonie 2228160512 Mar 31 17:48 ultimate-edition-4.2-x64-Mar-27-2014-2129.iso
Donors can get it from the new server:
Depending on you ISP it may take up to 48 hours for the new servers DNS to resolve, once again sorry for the delay.
Ultimate Edition 4.2 Beta
I am relinquishing this build to the public. The more feed back you provide a better end resulting product. I find it to be pretty much flawless in design, minus a few theme issues. Your milage may very. I can not stress this enough, please provide feedback. What is Ultimate Edition 4.2 Lite? Based on a debootstrapped Ubuntu Trust Thar tree (14.04) a Long Term Supported (LTS) release. With Mate 1.8 and many of the toys you have came to love with Ultimate Edition in the past.
Public Access: Copy or Sourceforge
Admin, Beta Testers and Donors can download it from
They are the same file, just faster to download from the test server. This release HAS NOT been Repostormed yet.
This is NOT a final product, however your feedback is appriciated.
A job!!!
by TheeMahn on Mar.24, 2014, under Uncategorized
I got a job today and start working tomorrow, at least 40 hrs a week. I spent my last day of freedom enhancing ThumbOS. Things may slow down a bit here, but I will be shoving releases and software on my time off & when opportunity arises.
Wish me luck,
Wish me luck,
UE Love!!!
I was browsing and found that a user had extended the Ultimate Edition Cursor Pack and added the colors of Green and Orange. I pulled them down and extended / debianized the the Ultimate Edition Cursor Pack. I love it when a Ultimate Edition user spends the time necessary to extend a helping hand.
In the screenie above, we have alot going on. I have been extending the application repairtheme
and running it against what will be Ultimate Edition 4.2′s theme a LTS
(Long Term Supported) release. We will have a perfect theme, when I am
done. It does have errors still remaining. I am writing code to stroke
across it and clean them up as well.
You can download the debianized version from our website
Thanks Mark,
1 Comment
You can download the debianized version from our website
Thanks Mark,
A perfect Mate 1.8?
A perfect, bulletproof Mate 1.8 coming to Ultimate Edition? I have been Repostorming the entire Mate 1.8 repository.
A clip of Repostorm in action:
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